1709 So. 4th St.           Terre Haute, IN 47802

Serving The Wabash Valley From
Terre Haute, Indiana Since 1994
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Beer and Wine Flavorings

Vintage Bastine's Trade Card
Advertising Bastine's Pure Flavorings
Flavorings For Beer & Wine
Each flavoring is packaged in a 4 ounce Bottle.

These are the finest flavor and aroma enhancers on the market. The recommended usage for beer is on the label.
For wine we recommend adding to taste.

•Apple $5.95
•Apricot $4.95
•Blackberry $6.49
•Black Currant $5.49
•Blueberry $5.95
•Caramel $7.49
•Cherry $5.95
•Chocolate $5.95
•Cranberry $6.95
•Ginger $4.95
•Grape $7.49
•Grapefruit $5.95
•Kiwi $4.95
•Lime $4.95
•Mango $4.95
•Maple $7.49
•Melon $5.95
•Peach $5.49
•Peanut Butter $4.95
•Pear $5.95
•Plum $6.95
•Pineapple $7.49
•Pomegranate $4.95
•Raspberry $6.49
•Rhubarb $5.95
•Strawberry $6.95
•Vanilla Type $7.95
•Watermelon $5.95

Vintage Phoenix Club Postcard
Fifth and Walnut St. Terre Haute, IN.
Later relocated east of Terre Haute at the former site of the Country Club of Terre Haute.
Phoenix Hills Subdivision Now Occupies the Site.
Postcard has cancellation date of 1911.

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